
Session Proposal Guidelines

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Session Proposal Guidelines

Session proposal submissions are now closed!

Symposium proposals

Symposia focus on specific topics in psychiatry, representing several points of view. Each symposium includes four presentations by international speakers and offers an opportunity for discussion at the end.

Requirements for proposals:

  • A brief description of the session (max. 1500 characters) for evaluation purposes only. (This is not considered as an abstract.)
  • One Chair, one Co-Chair and four Speakers per session. (The Chair and Co-Chair may be chosen from the Speakers.)
  • To ensure a better country balance within the Programme, no more than two Speakers may be of the same nationality.
  • The Symposium should value gender balance as much as possible.
  • Prior to submission, the Chair and Submitter should ask for the preliminary availability of every Speaker in their session.
  • Symposium sessions are 90 minutes in length.
  • Only the Submitter will receive notification of the final Scientific Programme Committee decision, and is responsible for communicating the result to all other Chairs and Speakers.
  • Chairs/Co-Chairs/Speakers/Directors/Co-Directors may participate in no more than three sessions. This includes EPA Courses, Symposia and Workshops.

All members of the faculty of a Symposium should be self-financed and registered to the Congress.

EPA Section Chairs may submit symposium proposals on behalf of their Section, either individually or jointly with another Section.

For sessions officially submitted by EPA Sections: Please note, you will be required to confirm that the session is an official EPA Section submission. You will also be required to input a code received via the EPA Section Chair.

Workshop proposals

Workshops are devoted to a specific topic and bring together experts in this field for an intensive discussion. These are 90-minute working sessions, with 30 minutes devoted to discussion and interactivity.

Requirements for proposals:

  • A brief description of the session (max. 1500 characters) for evaluation purposes only. (This is not considered as an abstract.)
  • One Chair, one Co-Chair and four to six Speakers per session. (Chairs and Co-Chairs may be selected amongst the Speakers.)
  • Each presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes.
  • At least 30 minutes of discussion at the end of the Workshop.
  • To ensure a better country balance within the Programme, no more than half of the Speakers may be of the same nationality.
  • The Workshop should value gender balance as much as possible.
  • Prior to submission, the Chair and Submitter should ask for the preliminary availability of every Speaker in their session.
  • Workshop sessions are 90 minutes in length.
  • Only the Submitter will receive a notification of the final Scientific Programme Committee decision, and is responsible for communicating the result to all other Chairs and Speakers.
  • Chairs/Co-Chairs/Speakers/Directors/Co-Directors may participate in no more than three sessions. This includes EPA Courses, Symposia and Workshops.

All members of the faculty of a Workshop should be self-financed and registered to the Congress.

EPA Section Chairs may submit Workshop proposals on behalf of their Section, either individually or jointly with another Section.

For sessions officially submitted by EPA Sections: Please note, you will be required to confirm that the session is an official EPA Section submission. You will also be required to input a code received via the EPA Section Chair. Case-based workshops can be indicated via a tick box.

EPA Course proposals

The European Congress of Psychiatry serves the educational mission of the EPA by providing high-quality EPA Courses, covering all aspects of psychiatry. Each EPA Course is composed of two 90-minute sessions.

➢ Important Information about EPA Course Proposals and Selection.

Requirements for proposals:

  • A brief description of the session (max. 1500 characters) for evaluation purposes only. (This is not considered as an abstract.)
  • Each EPA Course must have one Director. One Co-Director is authorised.
  • The Submitter should receive the consent of the Course Director and any Co-Director prior to submission.
  • EPA Courses are 180 minutes in length and are presented in two consecutive 90-minute sessions. (Please note: the format of EPA Courses may be adapted if a virtual event is organised.)
  • Only the Submitter will receive notification of the final Scientific Programme Committee decision. The Submitter is responsible for communicating the result to the Director and Co-Director.
  • Chairs/Co-Chairs/Speakers/Directors/Co-Directors may participate in no more than three sessions. This includes EPA Courses, Symposia, and Workshops.
  • The EPA Course should value gender balance as much as possible.

EPA Course Directors (maximum one per Course) and Co-Directors (maximum one per Course) share benefits. Each is entitled to one waived registration, 50% of overall transportation allowance, and one night of hotel. If there is no Co-Director, the Director is entitled to one waived registration, 50% of overall transportation allowance, and one night of hotel. Per EPA rules, the transfer of benefits from Director to Co-Director is not permitted.

EPA Section Chairs may submit EPA Course proposals on behalf of their Section, either individually or jointly with another Section.

For sessions officially submitted by EPA Sections: Please note, you will be required to confirm that the session is an official EPA Section submission. You will also be required to input a code received via the EPA Section Chair.