Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities

Transparent EPA symbol

Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities

Charging stations

Delegates will see sponsor’s logo at the top of the charging station. Charging stations will be placed in the exhibition area throughout the congress dates.

Mobile application

The mobile application enables participants to access all Congress related information and functions, such as scientific programme, abstracts, faculty information, participants’ “personal scheduler”, membership information, industry support and exhibition information, city information, etc.

Sponsors are offered to gain exposure with a full-page display of the company’s logo in  the sponsors and exhibitors tab of the App. Will be shown for 5 seconds.

Branded sitting cubes

This is an opportunity to promote your company in a creative, and practical way as the cubes enable delegates to sit, relax and network with their colleagues. The cubes can be branded nicely with your company logo and the EPA logo and they offer great visibility in the exhibition hall or, if compliant, in the area closer to the Product Theatre.

Email blast

Promote your company/symposium/booth to all potential annual congress participants. The organiser of EPA 2025 will send out an HTML- based email to the pre-registered delegate mailing list – date & time coordinated with the sponsor. The average opening rate for industry session related promotional email in 2024 was 65%!

Content of the invitation prepared by the sponsor and subject to approval by EPA.

Push notifications

Sponsor will be able to prepare a short message that will be posted on the congress mobile application during the congress (push texts need to be approved by the EPA office in advance).

Pocket Programme

Provided to all participants, this useful item in A6 format gives a clear and structured overview of all the sessions with a timetable, as well as general information on the congress (opening hours, wi-fi access…) and maps with main congress facilities.

Indispensable throughout the Congress!

Booking can be on an exclusive basis, with sponsor’s full page A6 advert on the inside back cover (and no other adverts featured in the programme) or non-exclusive, with up to 3 pages and the inside back cover shared between sponsors.

Advertisements in the APP (slide show)

Gain additional exposure for your symposium, Product Theatre session or booth by advertising it in a designated section of the Congress App available to all participants. Adverts will be shown for 5 seconds in a loop with other companies’ adverts.

Hospitality suites/meeting rooms

An opportunity to hire a room at the Congress venue that will be used as a hospitality suite and/or meeting room. Sponsors will be able to host guests throughout the Congress. Sponsors will have the option to order catering at an additional cost. Hospitality provided will be in compliance with all relevant industry codes and guidelines.