These 90-minute sessions, selected by the EPA President in collaboration with other associations and organisations, focus on specific topics in psychiatry and represent multiple perspectives. Each symposium features presentations by international speakers and includes an opportunity for discussion at the end.
Best of 2024
Sunday 6 April 2025
(08:00 – 09:30 CEST)
Madrid Hall
in person
live-streamedSpecial Session
Best of 2024: Psychosis, addiction and community psychiatry
Chair and Co-Chair: Dr. Jan Wise, UK and Prof. Simavi Vahip, Türkiye
Speaker | Psychosis | Prof. Silvana Galderisi, Italy |
Speaker | Addiction | Prof. Jørgen Bramness, Norway |
Speaker | Community psychiatry | Prof. René Keet, Netherlands |
Sunday 6 April 2025
(08:00 – 09:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
Patients, families, primary care and mental health professionals – towards collaborative care models
Chair and Co-Chair: André Decraene, Belgium and Prof. Marianne Destoop, Belgium
EPA Speaker | Public mental health: An opportunity to support collaborative action | Prof. Marianne Destoop, Belgium |
GAMIAN-Europe Speaker | Bridging gaps in mental health: A collaborative approach to empowering service users, families, and professionals | Shaun Johnson, UK |
EUFAMI Speaker | Bridging gaps in mental health: A collaborative approach to empowering service users, families, and professionals | John Saunders, Belgium |
EUFAMI Speaker | Bridging gaps in mental health: A collaborative approach to empowering service users, families, and professionals | André Decraene, Belgium |
WONCA Speaker | Professional burnout in primary care workforce | Dr. Ferdinando Petrazzuoli, Italy |
Sunday 6 April 2025
(10:00 – 11:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
Empowering Psychiatrists in policymaking: Evolving roles in mental health landscapes
Chair: Prof. Geert Dom, Belgium
JA ImpleMENTAL Speaker | Impact on policy services people and what are the outputs countries produced within this project | Vasileia Konte, Greece |
EPA Speaker | A psychiatrist’s perspective on the reduction of stigma: From the mosaic toolkit to a charter for journalists | Dr. Kirsten Catthoor, Netherlands |
EPA Speaker | The role of psychiatrists in policy forums | Dr. Martina Rojnic Kuzman, Croatia |
Sunday 6 April 2025
(15:00-16:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint SymposiumPsychedelic treatments in psychiatry: Update and presentation of the PsyPal study
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Geert Dom, Belgium and Prof. Dr. Robert Schoevers, Netherlands
PsyPal Speaker | Psychedelic treatments in psychiatry; an update of where we stand and an introduction to the PsyPal study | Prof. Dr. Robert Schoevers, Netherlands |
PsyPal Speaker | Reporting of psychotherapeutic methods in psychedelic treatments: on the road to ethical, professional and regulatory oversight | Prof. Albino Oliveira-Maia, Portugal |
EPA Speaker | Microdosing | Prof. Kim Kuypers, Netherlands |
EPA Speaker | EPA position paper | Prof. Mariane Destoop, Belgium |
ECNP Symposium hosted by the EPA
Sunday 6 April 2025
(17:00-18:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
Precision medicine
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Andrea Fiorillo, Italy and Prof. Dr. Martien Kas, Netherlands
EPA Speaker | Using advanced neuroimaging and bioinformatics methods to study brain-behaviour relationships | Dr. Sophia Frangou, USA |
EPA Speaker | The precision psychiatry approach for immune-mediated depression | Prof. Livia De Picker, Belgium |
ECNP Speaker | The precision psychiatry roadmap: towards a biology-informed framework for mental disorders | Prof. Dr Martien Kas, Netherlands |
ECNP Speaker | The research domain criteria (RDoC) project as a biological framework for research on mental disorders | Prof. Charles A. Sanislow, USA |
EPA-Spanish NPA
Monday 7 April 2025
(08:00-9:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
Hot topics in psychiatry in Europe: Facts and challenges
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Julian Beezhold, UK and Dr. Marina Díaz Marsá, Spain
Speaker | Suicide and self-harming behaviour in Europe: Current trends and prospects | Prof. Pilar Alejandra Saiz Martínez, Spain |
Speaker | The mental health of the child and youth population in Europe: Prevention as paradigm | Dr. Covadonga Martínez Díaz-Caneja, Spain |
Speaker | Substance use and its comorbidities, European perspectives | Prof. Arnt Schellekens, Netherlands |
Speaker | Hot topics in psychiatry and psychopharmacology – Perspectives on EMA (Europe) | Prof. Pavel Mohr, Czech Republic |
Monday 7 April 2025
(10:00-11:30 CEST)
Roma Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
Addictive behaviours in ICD-11
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Sophia Achab, Switzerland and Prof. Jørgen G. Bramness, Norway
Speaker | Alcohol, drugs and addictive behaviors in ICD-11: Major changes have improved the diagnostic system | Prof. John Saunders, Australia |
Speaker | The inclusion of gambling and other behavioural l addictions in the addictions chapter of ICD-11 | Prof. Sophia Achab, Switzerland |
Speaker | Diagnostic glide including more drug categories and more drug induced morbidities in ICD-11 may muddle our understanding of addictive disorders | Prof. Jørgen G. Bramness, Norway |
Monday 7 April 2025
(15:00-16:30 CEST)
Auditorio A
in person
live-streamedJoint Workshop
No health without brain health & the brain health mission: Raising awareness & putting the brain on the top of the policy agenda
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Peter Falkai, Germany and Prof. Dr. Paul Boon, Belgium
EPA Speaker | Brain and mental: Two sides of the same coin | Prof. Peter Falkai, Germany |
EAN Speaker | The brain health mission: A collaborative to raise awareness | Prof. Dr Paul Boon, Belgium |
EAN Speaker | How to develop a national brain strategy: The Norwegian way | Prof. Jana Midelfart-Hoff, Norway |
FENS Speaker | Discovery neuroscience and brain health | Dr. Tomás Ryan, Ireland |
EBC Speaker | No health without brain health: Prioritising brain health in the European Union to leave no one behind | Prof. Suzanne Dickson, Sweden |
Monday 7 April 2025
(17:00-18:30 CEST)
Londres Hall
in person
Joint Symposium
The power of sleep in brain and mental health
Chair and Co-Chair: Prof. Andrea Fiorillo, Italy and Dr. Erna Sif Arnardóttir, Iceland
EPA Speaker | Sleep problems in mental health disorders: Consequence, comorbidity or cause? | Prof. Livia DePicker, Belgium |
EAN Speaker | Sleep and mental, neurological and body health | Prof. Evelina Pajediene, Lithuania |
ESRS Speaker | The sleep revolution – a model for other disease assessment and follow-up | Dr. Erna Sif Arnardóttir, Iceland |
EFPA Speaker | Sleep in different contexts: The perspectives of European Psychology | Dr. John Francis Leader, Ireland |